Fiber Arts
Fiber Arts Biography
Maya's love of fiber began fairly recently, in 2023, but it quickly became her only passion second to writing. Fiber arts is an incredibly dynamic art form—as you can see, there's a huge world of different ways one can utilize fiber: spinning, dyeing wool & yarn, many methods of weaving, felting, knitting, crochet, and so much more. Maya continues to explore the vast world of fiber arts in her free time, learning as much as she can about the seemingly endless potential of the craft.

Eleven batches of hand-spun yarn, spun from hand-dyed wool

Nine batches of hand-dyed wool in a variety of breeds

Two of Maya's six spinning wheels—these little guys are small but powerful. The small one fits in the palm of your hand!

Nine batches of hand-dyed 100% wool yarn

Necklaces made with recycled Indian Sari Silk

Handmade drop spindle hand-spinning kit with 36-page guide

Handmade felted 100% wool catnip-filled cat toys

Scouring & cleaning a raw sheep's fleece to later spin the wool

Maya's drum carder, used to blend different wool together before spinning

Continuous strand weaving on a 6-foot triangle loom

Continuous strand weaving on an 18-inch triangle loom

A scarf, woven from hand-spun yarn on a rigid heddle loom

A small table runner, woven from hand-spun & hand-dyed yarn on a rigid heddle loom

A box of knit hats to be donated to Dana Farber Cancer Institute's Jimmy Fund, to be given to children with cancer

A knit ear warmer, made with hand-spun wool yarn